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The Lunatic Populism That Preceded The Pearl Harbor Bombing Is Astonishing In Its Permutations, Its Crisscrossings. Guys Like [catholic Priest And Controversial Radio Broadcaster] Father Coughlin And [racist And Anti-semitic Agitator And Founder Of The Christian Nationalist Crusade] Gerald L.k. Smith Started Out As Share-the-wealth Socialists.
-James Ellroy
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The Lunatic Populism That Preceded The Pearl

James Ellroy
The Lunatic Populism That Preceded The Pearl Harbor Bombing Is Astonishing In Its Permutations, Its Crisscrossings. Guys Like [catholic Priest And Controversial Radio Broadcaster] Father Coughlin And [racist And Anti-semitic Agitator And Founder Of The Christian Nationalist Crusade] Gerald L.k. Smith Started Out As Share-the-wealth Socialists.
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