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It's Funny How People Will Think I'm Being Sarcastic A Lot And Joking. So I'll Say, "i Like Your Dress," And They'll Go "(bleep) You!" Or I Say Something Serious And They Go, "oh, Yeah, Ha-ha." They're Strangers. They're People Who Know Me From Comedy, But Luckily I Am On Pretty Much All The Time!
-Sarah Silverman
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It's Funny How People Will Think I'm

Sarah Silverman
It's Funny How People Will Think I'm Being Sarcastic A Lot And Joking. So I'll Say, "i Like Your Dress," And They'll Go "(bleep) You!" Or I Say Something Serious And They Go, "oh, Yeah, Ha-ha." They're Strangers. They're People Who Know Me From Comedy, But Luckily I Am On Pretty Much All The Time!
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