Imagine Your Body Replaced By Dust And Vapor, And Having A Tingly Feeling In Your Stomach Without Even Having A Stomach. Imagine Having To Concentrate Just To Keep Yourself From Dispersing Into Nothing. I Got So Angry, A Flash Of Lightning Crackled Inside Me. “don’t Be That Way,” Amos Chuckled. “it’s Only For A Few Minutes.
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Imagine Your Body Replaced By Dust And
Rick Riordan
Imagine Your Body Replaced By Dust And Vapor, And Having A Tingly Feeling In Your Stomach Without Even Having A Stomach. Imagine Having To Concentrate Just To Keep Yourself From Dispersing Into Nothing. I Got So Angry, A Flash Of Lightning Crackled Inside Me. “don’t Be That Way,” Amos Chuckled. “it’s Only For A Few Minutes.
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