I'm Old Enough To Remember The Days When You Spoke To One Person From One Outlet And That Was The Conversation. But Now What Happens Is You Speak To People And What You Say Gets Translated Into Portuguese, Then Into Mandarin, Through A German Prism And Then Back Into English And Bears Little To No Resemblance Between - To The Exchange Or - That You Had Initially With The Journalist Or To What You Originally Said.
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I'm Old Enough To Remember The Days

Cate Blanchett
I'm Old Enough To Remember The Days When You Spoke To One Person From One Outlet And That Was The Conversation. But Now What Happens Is You Speak To People And What You Say Gets Translated Into Portuguese, Then Into Mandarin, Through A German Prism And Then Back Into English And Bears Little To No Resemblance Between - To The Exchange Or - That You Had Initially With The Journalist Or To What You Originally Said.
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