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Write What You Want To Read. So Many People Think They Need To Write A Particular Kind Of Book, Or Imitate A Successful Style, In Order To Be Published. I've Known People Who Felt They Had To Model Their Book On Existing Blockbusters, Or Write In A Genre That's Supposed To Be "hot Right Now" In Order To Get Agents And Publishers Interested. But If You're Writing In A Genre You Don't Like, Or Modeling Yourself On A Book You Don't Respect, It'll Show Through. You're Your First, Most Important Reader, So Write The Book That Reader Really Wants To Read.
-Cassandra Clare
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Write What You Want To Read. So

Cassandra Clare
Write What You Want To Read. So Many People Think They Need To Write A Particular Kind Of Book, Or Imitate A Successful Style, In Order To Be Published. I've Known People Who Felt They Had To Model Their Book On Existing Blockbusters, Or Write In A Genre That's Supposed To Be "hot Right Now" In Order To Get Agents And Publishers Interested. But If You're Writing In A Genre You Don't Like, Or Modeling Yourself On A Book You Don't Respect, It'll Show Through. You're Your First, Most Important Reader, So Write The Book That Reader Really Wants To Read.
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