Suppose You're On A Game Show, And You're Given The Choice Of Three Doors. Behind One Door Is A Car, The Others, Goats. You Pick A Door, Say #1, And The Host, Who Knows What's Behind The Doors, Opens Another Door, Say #3, Which Has A Goat. He Says To You: 'do You Want To Pick Door #2?' Is It To Your Advantage To Switch Your Choice Of Doors?
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Suppose You're On A Game Show, And

Marilyn Vos Savant
Suppose You're On A Game Show, And You're Given The Choice Of Three Doors. Behind One Door Is A Car, The Others, Goats. You Pick A Door, Say #1, And The Host, Who Knows What's Behind The Doors, Opens Another Door, Say #3, Which Has A Goat. He Says To You: 'do You Want To Pick Door #2?' Is It To Your Advantage To Switch Your Choice Of Doors?
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