Success Is Not In Obtaining The Thing. Because There's Always Another Thing. And Then You Look Back On It, And For Me, Through My Evolution, Yes I Have Success By Most Measures - But For Me, When It Comes To The Greatest Joy Of Reward, There's An Emotional Element And There's An Intellectual Element. Emotionally, My Greatest Joy Was The Personal Relationships I've Had. That Was The Greatest Joy. Intellectually, My Satisfaction Was That I Do Feel I've Evolved Well And I'm Doing My Best To Contribute Toward Evolution.
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Success Is Not In Obtaining The Thing.

Ray Dalio
Success Is Not In Obtaining The Thing. Because There's Always Another Thing. And Then You Look Back On It, And For Me, Through My Evolution, Yes I Have Success By Most Measures - But For Me, When It Comes To The Greatest Joy Of Reward, There's An Emotional Element And There's An Intellectual Element. Emotionally, My Greatest Joy Was The Personal Relationships I've Had. That Was The Greatest Joy. Intellectually, My Satisfaction Was That I Do Feel I've Evolved Well And I'm Doing My Best To Contribute Toward Evolution.
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