My Personal Credo As A Libertarian Conservative: I Think All Attempts To Reform Your Fellow-citizens Or Tell Them How To Live Their Lives Are Arrogant And Tyrannical. That's Why I Oppose Leftism. I Want People To Be Free To Manage Their Own Lives. Reform Is Just Authoritarianism. People Are Not Playthings For Anybody's Theories Or Obsessions.
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My Personal Credo As A Libertarian Conservative:

John Ray
My Personal Credo As A Libertarian Conservative: I Think All Attempts To Reform Your Fellow-citizens Or Tell Them How To Live Their Lives Are Arrogant And Tyrannical. That's Why I Oppose Leftism. I Want People To Be Free To Manage Their Own Lives. Reform Is Just Authoritarianism. People Are Not Playthings For Anybody's Theories Or Obsessions.
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