Make It A Practice To Avoid Hating Anyone. If Someone's Been Guilty Of Despicable Actions, Especially Toward Me, I Try To Forget Him. I Used To Follow A Practice - Somewhat Contrived, I Admit - To Write The Man's Name On A Piece Of Scrap Paper, Drop It Into The Lowest Drawer Of My Desk, And Say To Myself: "that Finishes The Incident, And So Far As I'm Concerned, That Fellow." The Drawer Became Over The Years A Sort Of Private Wastebasket For Crumbled-up Spite And Discarded Personalities.
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Make It A Practice To Avoid Hating

Dwight D. Eisenhower
Make It A Practice To Avoid Hating Anyone. If Someone's Been Guilty Of Despicable Actions, Especially Toward Me, I Try To Forget Him. I Used To Follow A Practice - Somewhat Contrived, I Admit - To Write The Man's Name On A Piece Of Scrap Paper, Drop It Into The Lowest Drawer Of My Desk, And Say To Myself: "that Finishes The Incident, And So Far As I'm Concerned, That Fellow." The Drawer Became Over The Years A Sort Of Private Wastebasket For Crumbled-up Spite And Discarded Personalities.
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