I Think A Lot Of Things Can Be Misconstrued In A Lot Of Ways. And I Think If People Open Their Minds More, And They Try To Look Deeper Into Something Than Just Something That Is A Very Big, Hot, Fiery Button To Hide Behind...i Think If People Looked Into Something Bigger That I Was Trying To Speak Upon, They Wouldn't Be So Easy To Fire Back Silly, Miscellaneous Things.
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I Think A Lot Of Things Can

Chloe Grace Moretz
I Think A Lot Of Things Can Be Misconstrued In A Lot Of Ways. And I Think If People Open Their Minds More, And They Try To Look Deeper Into Something Than Just Something That Is A Very Big, Hot, Fiery Button To Hide Behind...i Think If People Looked Into Something Bigger That I Was Trying To Speak Upon, They Wouldn't Be So Easy To Fire Back Silly, Miscellaneous Things.
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