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I'm Not The Person I Once Was. I Have Thorn Now, And... I'm Not Fighting For Myself Makes A Difference....i Used To Think You Were A Fool To Keep Risking Your Life As You Have...i Know Better Now. I Understand...why. I Understand...' His [murtagh] Eyes Widened And His Grimace Relaxed, As If His Pain Was Forgotten, And An Inner Light Seemed To Illuminate His Features. 'i Understand-we Understand.
-Christopher Paolini
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I'm Not The Person I Once Was.

Christopher Paolini
I'm Not The Person I Once Was. I Have Thorn Now, And... I'm Not Fighting For Myself Makes A Difference....i Used To Think You Were A Fool To Keep Risking Your Life As You Have...i Know Better Now. I Understand...why. I Understand...' His [murtagh] Eyes Widened And His Grimace Relaxed, As If His Pain Was Forgotten, And An Inner Light Seemed To Illuminate His Features. 'i Understand-we Understand.
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